Swenson and Silacci Flowers

Swenson and Silacci Flowers

Posted by Mark Silacci on February 26, 2025 Birthday Flower Symbolism

A Deep Dive into Birth Flower Origin Stories & Histories

Each month on our calendars has its own designated birth flower, and each one has a story as rich as its beauty. These blooms have been linked to their months for generations, often rooted in ancient myths and cultural traditions. So indeed, they’re not just gorgeous — they are steeped in symbolism and metaphor. At Swenson & Silacci in Salinas, California, we’re excited to share the history behind your birth blossom and what makes it stand out. Because every flower has a story, and we can’t wait to help you learn yours!

January: Carnation, Snowdrop

Carnations have had a major presence in public life since the days of Ancient Rome and Greece, where they were often utilized in milestone celebrations including coronations. Some say their name is derived from the word “carnis,” Latin for flesh, because of their classic pink color (which was super common in ancient times). Then there’s snowdrops, January’s number two birth flower, known for blooming through the harshest of winters. Their delicate white petals are a powerful symbol of hope, renewal, and encouragement in various cultures.

February: Violet, Iris

In Ancient Greece, people believed violets were all about love and fertility, and put them in love potions and pleasing perfumes. Fast forward to the Renaissance, and they became the ultimate inspiration for writers and artists. Victorians took things further by linking violets to fidelity and loyalty. Irises, equally adored across cultures, were loved by the Egyptians, Romans, and later painter Vincent Van Gogh. Their name comes from Iris, the Greek rainbow goddess — talk about legendary roots!

March: Daffodil, Jonquil

Daffodils are members of the Narcissus family of flowers, named after the man in Greek mythology who made the mistake of falling in love with his visage in the water. The story goes that after he drowned, a daffodil bloomed right where he breathed his last breath. But not all daffodil lore is tragic! In Chinese culture, if one blooms on New Year’s Day, it means luck and wealth are on the horizon. Jonquils, a close relative of daffodils, bring even more good energy, standing for romance, renewal, and positivity.

April: Daisy, Sweet Pea

Daisies have roots in both Norse and Roman mythology. The Norse saw them as symbols of motherhood and childbirth, thanks to their connection with Freyja, their goddess of fertility. The Romans, on the other hand, had a legend about Belides; she was a nymph who morphed into a daisy to fly under the radar of a god who was sweet on her. Sweet peas also have a unique history — they became ubiquitous in Europe because of the work of a Sicilian monk in the 17th century. The French eventually started gifting them to brides to wish them luck in their nuptials.

May: Lily of the Valley, Hawthorn

Apollo, always a creative thinker and doer, used Lily of the Valley to make a dreamy, scented walkway for his muses in Greek mythology. In Christian lore, this flower appeared where Eve or the Virgin Mary’s tears hit the ground. Meanwhile, in Celtic traditions, Hawthorn was a must-have, believed to be full of fairy magic and doorways to other worlds. It was also a symbol of fertility, making it the perfect Beltane decoration.

June: Rose, Honeysuckle

When it comes to love, no flower does it better than the rose. Even Venus and Aphrodite, the ultimate love goddesses, are strongly associated with them! Persia and China were ahead of the game in cultivating roses centuries ago, making them the timeless classic they’ve become. Honeysuckle, though, had its own magic in European mythology, known for keeping bad energy away. And in Greek mythology, it played a romantic role: Daphnis and Chloe’s love only flourished when honeysuckle was blossoming.

July: Larkspur, Water Lily

Delphiniums have always had a bit of magic to them — English folklore claimed they were powerful enough to be used in Medieval potions and elixirs. Pawnee legend, however, says they came from the sky itself, appearing after a mystical dream woman cut through it. On the other hand, water lilies are the ultimate enlightenment flowers in East Asian cultures, representing wisdom and purity. And in Ancient Egypt, they were tied to creation and the god of the sun, Ra.

August: Gladiolus, Poppy

The word gladiolus comes from gladius, the Latin word meaning sword, which we think is pretty perfect given how these flowers grow super tall. Roman gladiators often wore these blossoms them in the arena, and should they be the victors, the crowd would reward them with a shower of blooms. In Ancient Egyptian stories, poppies were emblems of Osiris and symbolized sleep, dreams, and rebirth. Now, poppies are one of the most recognized and powerful blooms for honoring fallen soldiers.

September: Aster, Morning Glory

Asters were revered by the Romans and Greeks, who often used to adorn their temples and holy spaces. Myth has it that these flowers blossomed from the tears of the goddess of stars, when she saw how few stars filled the sky. Morning glories also have a special place in history — Aztecs and Mayans made sacred potions using these flowers, believing they possessed supernatural qualities. In Ancient Egypt, they were heralds of resurrection and were carved onto ancient artifacts such as sarcophagi to honor the afterlife.

October: Marigold, Cosmo

Marigolds are so much more than vibrant flowers — they hold deep meaning in cultures around the world. In Mexico and Central America, they’re a symbol of remembrance during Día de los Muertos. Over in India, they take center stage at Diwali, representing the victory of light over darkness. Cosmos flowers, true to their name, are all about harmony — their perfectly symmetrical petals celebrate the balance found throughout the universe.

November: Chrysanthemums, Peony

Chrysanthemums are cultural icons in Asia, symbolizing everything from longevity to personal virtue. Japan designated them the national flower, associating them with the sun, eternity, and longevity. In China, they’re members of the benevolent “Four Noble Ones,” representing integrity and autumn. Peonies have a Greek mythology origin story that’s full of drama: When Paeon (who was a student of the medicine god, Asclepius) made a medical breakthrough, his teacher’s jealousy went wild. Zeus saved the day by making Paeon appear in disguise as a peony.

December: Holly, Narcissus

The Celts associated holly trees with the Holly King, a mythical ruler who reigned from summer to winter solstice. Meanwhile, the Romans decked out their homes with holly on the Saturnalia holiday to keep evil spirits at bay — before Christmas traditions even existed! And here comes narcissus again (because this flower just can’t stay out of the spotlight). It’s named after the tragic Greek hunter who drowned while admiring his reflection too much, leaving behind the bright yellow blooms in his wake.

Flowers have their own way of telling a story, and now you understand every petal and stem! Make a loved one’s special day even more memorable with a stunning birthday bouquet from Swenson & Silacci — thoughtful, beautiful, and truly unforgettable.

Flower Facts: The symbolism behind your birth flower